Oct 20, 2007

Be careful where you stick your thumb...

... you could contract a CTD (computer transmitted disease)! WTF? A thumb drive that is (aka - USB, flash drives, etc). Passing around a thumb drive to transfer files or print out stuff is nothing new. But around here, you can pick up some nasty stuff from the computer labs and print shops . It's a pain to have to remember to scan your usb drive on your computer every time you use it - or scanning a friend's drive if you want to grab a presentation or photos off of it.

This past week in preparation for a class we had to watch some recordings from the prior week, and the FTP server wasn't working for me. So I meet up with the TA from the class and got the files from her computer. Turns out her PC added a little gift to my thumb drive - with a file titled "taiping.exe"...yeah that was sketchy. Got watch out around here! (I'm actually going to start backing up my entire thinkpad on an online backup site...just in case)

Been a while since my last post and the past week has just been jam packed. A couple of test/quizzes and a few group presentations was enough to keep me buried most days. (Plus my classes had a total of 5 guest speakers this week.) Okay, so some late nights kept me busy too...It's been a while, but I forgot how much a 5am night can throw your schedule out of whack.

Monday night's class was just stellar. We ended up having 2 guest speakers...one was a managing director of a boutique investment bank, where he helped raise $850+ million in greenfield project financing for a start-up steel company...an amazing deal. Second speaker was the CFO of SOHO China, and she shared some insight to how the real-estate market is evolving here.

But enough about that boring stuff, eh? The best news is that in less than 2 weeks my girls will be arriving! :) Ella is going to be a chicken for Halloween, although I think she's better suited to be a strawberry!

So anticipate come early-November posts will be less frequent, and may also include some observations/accounts of what it's like to have a toddler in China.

Now playing: Guster - Homecoming King
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Holidays Everett, Kyla, Ella!

We love reading about your experiences!

The Bo's family now has grown to include Edward. He's 2months old now and Andrew at 4 years are doing great together for now.

Shima, Andrew, Edward and I wish all a healthy and prosperous New Year!

Good Luck!