Sep 20, 2007

The bee in my bonnet...

Sorry need to vent for a few seconds...

What is the point of straight-lecture classes in an MBA context? For some of my current classes, about half, the first class has been 90% lecture. Do professors really think that this method of teaching is effective? Clearly, I am able to read the slides myself - so why do you need to read them all aloud? enhance my English reading acumen? (Shoot me now!) Guess it'd be okay to expect that from student presentations, but I expect more from the profs.

Granted, since classes are over 3 hours long - it's difficult to expect the entire class to be engaged from the get-go...but in each of the classes there was no prep-work for the 1st class, necessitating the need for a lecture format for the 1st class. I hope that for my classes that have been non-interactive in the beginning, things will turn around - but perhaps I am being too optimistic? If not, I will need to go to IKEA this weekend and go pick up a comfortable pillow for classes.

Pardon the bitch-fest, but you'd be cranky too if you had to sit through a Supply Chain Management class on inventory, with slide after slide about the 5,000 ways to measure inventory (isn't that what SAP is for?), with no opportunity to engage the class in a discussion.

Ok, whining is over.

Now playing: Johnny Cash - Cry! Cry! Cry!
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the German method of teaching.

Come on, Ev! You know that only the US really has a non-lecture style of teaching. You are in Confucius country. Respect your teachers! -P

S said...

if you wanted classroom interaction, maybe you should have gone to law school! ;)

Elizabeth said...

Yikes. Are you allowed to bring coffee? What happens if you ditch class in China? (Do I want to know?)

We miss you but enjoyed seeing Kyla and Ella in DC last week. It's just not the same down here w/out you guys!