Sep 5, 2007

Looking for every last thing that can keep me up late tonight. Have a long day of travel to the airport tomorrow...and that's even before getting on the plane for the always non-eventful 13.5 hour flight. Might as well start throwing off my circadian rhythm a little early...(Besides, Nadal & Ferrer are still duking it out for the bragging rights among Spaniards at the US Open!)

It's been a great LONG weekend in Philly - with a lot of quality moments with Kyla & Ella, not caring about the time-of-day, or day of the week. Although Ella's still a little peanut (weighing in at under 21 lbs!), its not because she never eats. Like all kids, she digs ice cream/pizza/hot dogs...and she also likes to spice things up, literally! We went out for sushi tonight, and Ella kept pointing at the wasabi!! (I think it's because it resembles a mini scoop of mint choco chip...)

Yup. Today was an awesome final day before heading-off. The Philly Zoo was magical...with thinned crowds since it's a weekday (officially during the school year), and the weather was ideal. I am "ready" and looking forward to being in Beijing - although the toughest part of the semester will undoubtedly be the time away from my family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good-bye Everett and Kyla. We will look forward to hearing how your semester proceeds.
Good luck.